
Alan’s consultancy services include:

Checklists and resources

Some checklists and articles on different aspects of managing voluntary organisations.

Ten practical ways to get your organisation to think and act strategically

A good strategy is more than a smart looking plan. It should bring people together, review progress and opportunities and develop a clear and realistic direction that will drive the organisation forward.

  1. Look outside. Good strategy is an ‘outside-in’ process. It should start with a review at the main trends that could affect your work, how the context that you work in is changing and how you might respond.
  2. Challenge your assumptions. It’s an opportunity to occasionally rethink some of the ideas and thinking that underpins what you do and how you operate.
  3. Start at the end. Work out where you want to be in say three years time and work back to where you are now.
  4. Think outcomes. What are the key outcomes or differences you want to make? How can we use the limited resources we have to make the greatest impact?
  5. Don’t get too involved in detail. Be careful of over-planning and leaving no space to be flexible or respond to unplanned events and opportunities.
  6. Ask stakeholders what they think. Get the perspective of users, funders and partners. How do they think you should develop?
  7. Benchmark. Compare yourself with others in your field or sector. What can you learn from their experience? What ideas can you steal!
  8. Focus on success. Build a positive vision of your future. How will you know if you have been successful? What’s the organisational ambition?
  9. Involve people. People are more likely to work to the plan if they have been involved in putting it together.
  10. Keep it alive. Make sure it doesn’t just become a document on the shelf. Plan how you will use it, review it and keep it relevant.

Contact me to discuss way in which I can help you with strategic and business planning.
